gute Zeit
Natürlich merkt man gleich, dass Pohnstorf ein schönes Fleckchen Erde in einer weitläufigen und großzügigen Landschaft ist. Hier ist Platz. Aber das Dorf bietet viel mehr, als man auf den ersten Blick erkennt. Daher helfen wir unseren Gästen gerne, ein schönes Programm zu stricken.
For large and small bike tours we can rent you just the right bike. In the hills of Mecklenburg Switzerland many (even those under 40) are avid e-bike riders, especially if it is going to be a somewhat longer route, such as a trip through the forest to Salem at Kummerower See. But we also have comfortable touring bikes, racing bikes, mountain bikes, children’s bikes and a bike trailer for two kids (Chariot) which we are happy to rent you.
Cook, dine and enjoy with your colleagues or with friends. Together with at least five other guests you can prepare a three-course menu based on the theme “Game cuisine, pan-fried and braised game”. Robert Bluhm, the chef de cuisine at “Fischers Küche” in Waren an der Müritz will be your guide.
Family celebrations or quality time with friends – relax and savor the moments at Gut Pohnstorf. With plenty of time and space for old and new stories and experiences, togetherness and – if necessary – retreat.
In our park everyone is guaranteed to find a favourite corner – but not every favourite corner is easy to find! Lose yourself in 10,000 square meters of park-like garden with beautiful old trees, fruit trees, terraces and a boules court.
There are a variety of jogging routes that start directly at the manor and either cross through the meadows and woods or follow farm paths.
Fabian’s favorite route goes up about 210 meters over 10 km and offers a variety of beautiful views. You can find it here (including GPX and TCX).
Kamila’s favorite route goes up about 90 meters over 5 km and runs through the forest and between the fields. You can find it here (including GPX and TCX).
Our trails are made by fox and deer, not the other bikers.
For the road bikers among us, there are well maintained asphalt paths between the fields and many other roads with very little traffic. The track of the Mecklenburger Seen Runde (MSR) runs close by.
Want to thank the chicken personally for that delicious egg at breakfast? Just a few minutes down the road you can stop by and meet the chickens that supply us with fresh eggs every day.
The art of living – for us this clearly includes art. We are honored that the artist Lothar Oertel feels connected to us and the house. We are proud that his works decorate our walls and that we are able to welcome him from time to time for workshops for guests of all ages.
Fresh trout, just the way you like it: Either akready gutted and cleaned in your refrigerator or still in the pond for you to catch yourself.
Current events for culture and art near by, you will find here.
Some alpacas are living in Pohnstorf and you can walk with them across the meadows and fields. The tour lasts two hours and is suitable for young and old.
Adults 20 €, children 10 €, families 50 €, groups 180 €.
Marco Wenzlaff: +49 (0) 381 / 87 72 97 59
Dancing, eating and drinking – enjoying life together and celebrating the Tango.
We will be happy to inform you about the next event. Just write us a short e-mail.
The enchanting Café is located in a former farm building right next to the manor house. The café-team will nourish you with refined cupcakes, fruity cakes and Italian coffee.
Geführte Sternenbeobachtung:
Du liegst inmitten der Natur und schaust entspannt in den Nachthimmel. Der Alltag ist gefühlt Lichtjahre entfernt, endlich kommst Du zur Ruhe. Sanft erklingt Musik. Dann nimmt Dich eine warme Stimme mit auf Deine persönliche Reise zu den Sternen. Sie erzählt zum Beispiel vom großen Wagen. Wusstest Du, dass er nur Teil eines größeren Sternbilds ist, nämlich der großen Bärin? Beim Lauschen erfährst Du nicht nur jede Menge. Du kannst Dich in der Weite des Sternenhimmels förmlich verlieren – völlig losgelöst.
25 Minuten Hörspiel – Erhältlich auf Gut Pohnstorf. (5€ pro Gerät)
Warum in Pohnstorf?
Pohnstorf gehört durch die geringe Lichtverschmutzung zu den dunkelsten Orten im Innenland. Sternenbilder sind in Pohnstorf deutlich und klar zu erkennen. Die Milchstraße ist gut sichtbar, wie kaum woanders in Deutschland.